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Women and Water Series

Rolling In The Deep


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Black Gown and Hydrangeas


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About Us

Greetings And Welcome. I have been taking pictures for almost 30 years. I am most myself with a camera in my hand and a pool somewhere near by. I was tossed in the water at Louis Beach (now Crescent Beach) in Shelter Island as a toddler and since then water is my happy place. My work explores the female perspective and the restorative nature of water and visuals that evoke beauty in all its forms. My images have been featured in galleries: Candace Perch Gallery, The Fernando Luis Alvarez Gallery, White Space, Baboo Gallery, Raymond Lawrence and Arbor Gallery. Additionally, my work has been featured in various publications including: The New York Times, Musee Magazine (Paris), Psychologies Magazine (Paris) and hipStyle Magazine. Black Bathing Suit Strap was auctioned at Sotheby's. Another favorite image is the cover shot of Neil Jordan's book: Mistaken. Neil Jordan is the writer/director behind the hit movie: The Crying Game. My commercial work is available for licensing through Gallery Stock in New York and London. Contact us with any questions at jeanneconte.com@gmail.co I am available for commissions and commercial work.


Sea, Sky and Beach

Aquamarine Curl

From $3,700

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Aquamarine Surf & Sand

From $3,000

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Atlantic #1

From $1,400

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